Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Educational Research: Ferris Wheel Analogy

    Educational research can be described as a Ferris wheel ride at the carnival; it travels in a circular manner where certain theories that are developed have their day at the top of the ride but invariably when the wheel comes around another more effective theory is there to get on and take its place.  This is where many researchers who use the scientific method would see the approach to educational research as a half-hearted attempt to validate theoretical ideas as opposed to supporting them with cold hard facts.  In their study of organizational behaviour, Owens and Valesky (2007), states that educational research is an “immature science…where education has no overarching paradigm.”  The fact that education is seen as an infant in terms of research speaks volumes to the misunderstood nature of our profession and how the short sightedness of credible scientists can belittle perfectly good research processes.  However, given my analogy of the Ferris wheel; my interpretation of a potential rider (i.e. educational theory) will serve as the primary focus of my analysis for this assignment as we take a look at the inherent problems of research in education.  Get ready for the ride!

     Every piece of research begins with an idea; so, when a theory emerges it has its beginnings in the line up for the ride.  The theory/rider might ask themselves the question of whether or not to get on the ride or to go find a bench somewhere to sit on.  As such, the first step in the educational research process involves identifying and clarifying the inherent problem that comes with theoretical research. We can identify and clarify research problems by specifying the variables involved in those problems, stating these variables in research questions or hypotheses, and operationally defining these variables or describing them in detail.  Consequently, this is where initial research methods can be questioned because the potential rider is unsure if the idea they are presenting is valid.  Furthermore, as the proverbial rider gets closer to the front of the line and is “too short” for the ride that could be equated to not having enough research to present the theory at hand.  This would come in the form of a lack of qualitative or quantitative data being presented to support the research, at which time the theory/rider would be asked to leave the line.

    Conversely, if the research is concise and is “tall enough”, the theory takes hold and becomes worthy of further research.  If these problems are identified then research can continue to the next level and in this case the theory/rider will pay the tickets to get on the ride.  As the rider sits down in the first chair they are excited about getting the ride started and the initial adrenaline rush provides the desire to continue with the research. But is this adrenaline misguided?  It can be argued that a critical educational science would not produce theoretical knowledge about educational practice, but the kind of educative self-knowledge that would reveal to practitioners the unquestioned beliefs and unstated assumptions in terms of which their practice was sustained.  The aim could be an ethical, informed reasoning which should lead to practical knowledge about what has to be done in a particular case in accordance with ethical insights. This type of analysis is the upswing of the ride and how the theory gains support in educational circles.  An example of this would be Bloom’s taxonomy, for decades this theory was taught to thousands of educators across the world and was used as the end all be all of multiple intelligence research.  Unfortunately, a mentality like this can blind you as a researcher to other ideas that may be better.  This brings us to the top of the ride where the idea has blossomed into a full blown practiced theory which has reached the pinnacle of theoretical knowledge.

      In order to maintain theories at their peak they not only must have support from academia through educational circles they must have financial support from the institutions that house the researchers.  So, another shortcoming of educational research is identified and that is the lack of “external sources of funding,” Owens and Valesky (2007).  This lack of funding can cause our proverbial ride to have to come to an end and therefore the value of the theory can be questioned.  It goes without saying that the kind of interpretation that is offered by a theoretician is open to criticism. It also goes without saying — and this might sound more provocative — that in a way it doesn’t matter in what manner a particular interpretation was brought about.  Any method — whatever that may be and mean in the context of understanding — can be as good as any other, provided it can withstand, firstly, the criticism of those who are involved in it when confronted with the interpretation, and secondly, the criticism of the scientific community.  Ultimately, any research needs financial support to continue and educational research is no different.  A lack of funding can cause educational theory to run out its usefulness and just like in any other carnival ride, you must get off the ride because you have no more tickets to stay on it.

     In this brief essay, we have discussed how educational research can be seen as a Ferris wheel ride in a carnival.  From waiting in line; to the sitting at the top of the ride; and then having to get off because you have no more tickets.  This analogy is one way of looking at how educational research has inherent problems in comparison to scientific quantitative and qualitative research. In my opinion, the fact that educational research is seen as an infant in research circles says volumes about our field and how we must remain diligent in creating valid educational theory that can stand up to the scientific community.  Educators must also continue to find valid educational research methods that are supported by academic institutions from a financial perspective.  Educational research has inherent problems but it is up to the one doing the research to minimize these problems with sound conceptual understanding of theories that are put forth. Thus, maintaining the validity and longevity of the research itself.

References Cited:
Owens, Robert G and Valesky, Thomas C. (2007). Organizational Behavior in Education: Adaptive Leaderhsip and School Reform, 9th Edition.  Publisher: Pearson Education Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Good analogies Ken. My only comment here is that decisions relating directly to math education, for example, should be governed by those individuals who actually have an in-depth knowledge OF that subject, not by those who simply claim "expertise" in that area of study. There is ample dialogue relating to the importance of having students "own" the learning; let's also listen to students, then, on what motivates them in a math class (for example). My bet in that most will say "understanding" of concepts will be a popular response among those students who are truly sincere.
