As the school year begins, Beaverlodge Regional High School is embarking on our high school redesign project. We are looking forward to the new opportunities to engage our students with active and meaningful learning.
Our re-design is focusing on flexible thinking from both our students and staff. We are now offering and all students are apart of our teacher advisor program. This program is meant to build student and teacher relationships through multigraded groups of students. Students will be completing a one-credit module by creating an iFolio that advertises student achievement.
The second component of our re-design is that we are offering an enhanced learning opportunity block three times a week. This blocks purpose is to help students have the opportunity to ask questions in other courses that they may be having issues with. Based on initial responses...students have been supportive of this change as it often eliminates homework.
We are looking forward to this school year with our high school re-design and "We are Proud" (school motto) of what this could produce.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Monday, 8 July 2013
Summer vacation
Another summer vacation period is upon us. A well deserved break for all the staff at BRHS. Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
March Update
Social 30-1: We are well into related issue #2. Dictatorship and Modern there really a difference?
Social 10-1: Imperialism and the birth of historical globalization. Netflix is a haven for documentary resources!
Social 10-1: Imperialism and the birth of historical globalization. Netflix is a haven for documentary resources!
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